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Level 1 Freediving
Introduction to the course
Introduction to Level 1 Freediving (1:30)
Physics of Freediving
Boyles Law and Pressure (4:56)
Buoyancy (2:46)
Freediving Physiology
The Sensations of Breath Holds (1:40)
Oxygen in the Body (4:43)
Carbon Dioxide in Freediving (7:48)
Hyperventilation (4:16)
Mammalian Dive Response (3:32)
Breathing For Freediving
Controlling The Respiratory Muscles (8:40)
The Final Breath (4:53)
The Relaxation Phase (7:21)
Recovery Breathing (2:13)
Exercises to Increase Respiratory Awareness (3:07)
Freediving Equalisation
Introduction to Freediving Equalisation (2:33)
The Anatomy of Equalisation (6:24)
Types of Equalisation (5:21)
Steps to Learning Valsalva Equalisation (2:42)
Steps to Learning Frenzel Equalisation (18:48)
The Nuances of Frenzel Equalisation (3:01)
Overcoming Challenges to Frenzel Equalisation (12:02)
Exercises to Improve our Equalisation (2:36)
Mental Techniques
Mental Techniques for Freediving (2:02)
The Visualisation Technique (3:45)
Potential Trauma
Hypoxia (4:33)
Black Out and Loss of Motor Control (4:09)
Barotrauma (4:08)
Decompression Illness (3:13)
Freediving Safety
The Buddy System (2:57)
Rescuing Unconscious and Hypoxic Divers (4:57)
Introduction to Freediving Equipment (1:13)
Wetsuits (3:26)
Fins (1:23)
Masks (2:00)
Weightbelts and Weight (1:16)
Lanyards (1:16)
Pool Skills
Tools for the Toolbox (0:50)
Introduction to Static Apnea (7:18)
Buddying for Static Apnea (2:34)
Introduction to Dynamic Apnea (6:02)
Buddying for Dynamic Apnea (0:52)
Pool Turns (2:10)
The Flutter Kick (2:45)
The Dolphin Kick (3:59)
No Fins Technique (6:28)
Ocean Skills
The Duckdive (4:11)
Streamlining on Dives (2:03)
Weighting and Buoyancy (3:16)
Training for Freediving
Training for Freediving (3:06)
The Gentle Training Philosophy (2:08)
Training Exercises to Improve your Diving (7:23)
Thank You
Thank you! (0:45)
Controlling The Respiratory Muscles
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